Planet Eye
An immersive installation exploring the expanse of one’s interior mind space
Artist | Judy K Suh
Technical direction | Vincent Naples
Technical assistance | Reese Murdock
Installation assistance | Tina Abraham
Music credit: Sufjan Stevens - Planetarium
Illumination, an annual fundraiser party featuring immersive light art, invited me to create a project for the VIP room.
I wanted to create a space you can enter and be fully immersed in, and feel transported from the immediate surroundings. I started with the common saying “Eyes are the window to the soul.” I imagine the soul of a person to resemble something of a landscape containing both microscopic intricacies and astronomical vastness...past memories and ideas about the future. Both specific and ambiguous all at the same time. I used footage of the vast universe as well as very personal objects and macro footage of materials that no longer resembled their original form.
A performative moment during the Illumination event