Dancing Human
A large-scale LED wall art deconstructing the moving image into new compositions
Commissioned by 150 Media Stream
Curator | Yuge Zhou
Produced at The Banff Centre
Choreography/Dance | Tao Kerr
Costume design | Liisa Pitkäranta
Lighting design | Nicolas Filteau
Lighting assistants | Aidan Ware, Xigna Low, Cullen Mcgrail
Special Thanks to | Elijah Lindenberger, Basim Magdy
DANCING HUMAN was shown on 150 Media Stream, a 90ft-wide permanent LED installation in the lobby of a Chicago building. This work continues my ongoing exploration of the construction and deconstruction of the moving image.
Drawing inspiration from Edward Muybridge's photographic study of motion, the piece breaks down a dancer's movement into a series of still images created from shooting on Super 8 and 35mm. It was conceived specifically for the unique structure of 150 Media Stream, utilizing the vertical screens to present the film strips in their entirety. While alluding to film editing, the strips were cut and organized for a visual rhythm rather than a temporal rhythm. The advanced digital technology powering this video wall exhibits analog technology in all its imperfections—dust, scratches, light leaks.
150 Media Stream cycles through different artist works every month.
Rehearsal footage